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Trust and confidence – a prerequiste for the port

As a port and central logistics hub, CMP plays a vitally important role in local, regional and national and international trade and industry. Each and every day, the port handles products and raw materials and goods at very high financial amounts, which is only possible via the high level of trust and confidence that exists for CMP in the market, and in the society-at-large, both locally and globally. The foundation for this trust and confidence is that the port’s work is accomplished in the safest and most responsible manner feasible, which is governed in the Code of Conduct the company has established.

A key starting point for being granted permissions to conduct port operations and the environmental permits that CMP has received is the expanded security responsibility for everything that takes place within the port. All parts of the business operations are under video surveillance and an entry system ensures that only authorised persons are allowed to be present in the area. As an integral part of this, in 2019 CMP invested in a photographic portal that documents all containers in connection with entry. This contributes to increased supervision and documentation of all freight, plus also streamlines the work within the Port while increasing the safety of both CMP’s personnel and its customers.

Counteracting the risk of bribery and other irregularity is central to the trust and confidence shown in CMP. As a general principle, potential investments are always assessed on the basis of commercial value for our operations in both the short-term and the long term. In accordance with the rules concerning ethics & workplace conduct as spelt out in the Port’s Code of Conduct, specific parameters are established for each procurement, and tenders are assessed by the relevant business area as well as by the company’s central administrative support unit.

CMP has a number of investments of various sizes on the horizon. At Prøvestenen in Copenhagen where large quantities of fuel for both cars and aircraft are stored, work is now underway to develop a new fire protection and fire-suppression facility. The initiative was taken together with the City of Copenhagen in order to facilitate the fire extinguishing work in the event of a fire and thus increase safety within the Port. Another project that is underway in its initial phase is to establish a fourth major cruise terminal in Ydre Nordhavn. The purpose is for CMP to be able to handle even larger cruise ships and therefore the terminal capacity will be expanded to accommodate over 12,000 passengers per day. To make way for this, new land areas will be constructed in the port, corresponding to a full 1 percent of Copenhagen’s total area.

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